Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MTA sucks big ones...

For all of you fellow New Yorkers, you know exactly what i'm talking about.  Why is it that fares continually increase, but service decreases?  I mean, really.  It's simple mathematics;  More money should mean better service.  Would you spend 80K on a mercedes benz that's a P.O.S.?  I don't think so.  These MTA officials are some serious bullshit artists.

I was late to work this morning by almost an entire hour.  No one cares but the thousands of whom that had to be ejected from the 4 train this morning, half way through their commute.  What the hell man?  The fares just increased, so I would have expected there to be a better way to solve these problems, and where the f#@k is the money going?  They have a freeze on hiring new employees, and have gotten rid of a large portion of them last year.  So they saved millions in salaries, even discontinuing a few subway and bus routes saved more money, plus the fare hike, and i'm no Einstein, and I didn't finish college, but really?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Recommended Artist: The Black Keys

After last night's appearance on Saturday Night Live with host Jim Carrey, a lot of people are waking up wondering, "Who are The Black Keys?".

The Black Keys is a Blues Rock band out of Akron, Ohio. Their sixth album, Brothers, was released on May 18, 2010.

But beyond the facts and stories provided on their official web site and Wikipedia page, this band is just what music needed. Beyond all of the self proclaimed geniuses out there (is that a word?), the black keys take an approach to music that totally encompasses the individuality of personality. Their lyrics are thought provoking, combined with a sultry blues rock which gives a peephole to their innermost thoughts and feelings. It is that which gives a refreshing change to the current library of this guy's playlist. Not trashy, or pop in any way, shape or form. Just a band talking about the experiences that all people have had.

The Black Keys Official YouTube Channel

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost

There has been a lot of hate speech lately cloaked in the garb of political views. With the election of our 44th president many people felt they where being left behind. Funny how those that benefited the most are now beginning to feel the power of the oppressed. The guilt of oppression must have caused quite a chill. How can the oppressor expect justice from the oppressed?

Now, the anger surfaces. Change is not welcomed. Change leaves behind those who fear it most. Like a child with his favorite toy, sharing is not an option.

Reasonable discourse has been proven a myth. A joke. Violent action called for by those who never wanted to talk, never wanted to change.

Now, a legally elected official lies shot because you didn't want to share the throne. Some would kill to keep what little they have; rather than share with those who have even less.

The first shot was heard today. You have put cross hairs on people and never expected someone, somewhere, was looking for an excuse to make their voice heard with the guns you supplied.

We didn't fire the first shot. We continue to try to reach you; in your hatred in mistrust. We try to make you our brother, though you don't even recognize our humanity. We try to appeal to you and you yell, "Stop pulling the race card!"

You have blood on your hands. You do evil to those who would sit down with you...if you weren't such a bat-shit crazy racist.

Your Poor, Huddled Masses

With all the recent talk about job loss, recession and blaming poor people for the state of the world, my husband and I have come to realize that people are either two things lately...big dicks or just plain stupid. How can the public believe that helping poor people is a bad thing? A million "welfare-queens" could not equal the amount of one fat-cat's bonus. A child born to an immigrant family on our precious blood-soaked soil will not make the earth stop spinning or cause you to lose your job, home or precious lifestyle. The poor can have no real effect on the lives of the wealthy. We don't vote in numbers. We can't afford to back candidates that care about our communities. We pay our taxes via our consumerism, which is but a muddied mirror of your own. We keep the knuckle-draggers employed: police officers, parole officers, correction officers. Without the cases trumped up against our ilk, what would your idiot cousin do to support his illegitimate children?

We are poor, slightly educated and very pissed off. You lost your job...we never had one. You're broke ...there hasn't been a time when we weren't. You're scared about the future while we've been living day to day. Now, you discovered just how condescending the welfare office is. Now you know how it feels when you are told you're useless. Now the fear grips you as you think about the bills and how you have no resources to cover it. Panic set in a long time ago; now you're desperate.

Welcome! We have been here a long time and have navigated these treacherous waters many moons before you. We had promise, but disappointment and ugliness has kept us from success. Our own hand played a part, though you were not there to stay it. We made our choices without your direction or care. We gave up and stood by the side of a road, though our talent could have taken us anywhere.

We are poor, but now, so are you.